CB:kids (Page 3)

CB:kids (Page 3)

CB:Kids Sunday downloads

CB:Kids Sunday have put together some resources for our children to use during Sunday’s service. If you’re coming to church they will be available in the foyer but if you’ll be at home you can download and print them here. P1-P3 activity sheet P4-P7 activity sheet Connect Sermon Buddy

CEF 30 Day Devotional

CEF has provided lots of resources to help during this time of social separation. Check them out at stayhome.cefireland.com. They have just released this great 30 Day Devotional to help your children study God’s Word while at home. You can download it here CEF COVID 30 Day Devotional.

CB:kids Summer

We have always found that the Holiday Bible Club offers a chance to reach out to children who wouldn’t normally attend our Children’s ministries and tell them of the great love of Jesus. It also helps strengthen friendships within our church family and provides an opportunity to connect with new people. Last July saw the first HBC in our new building. Epic Explorers was a great week with many people contributing to its success. We were thankful for the children…