Posts by David MacDermott (Page 9)
Recently I have been challenged to consider my walk with God and forgiving others. “It’s impossible for anyone to walk in the will of God while hanging on to anger, resentment, and unforgiveness.” (Think Like God, Robert Jones). If what Jones has stated is indeed true, then as a Christian I should desire to surrender these sins to God. But how can I do this? Looking at the significance of God’s forgiveness challenges me to apply Biblical principles of forgiveness in…
One Thing
A couple of weeks ago Sarah read this poem as part of a Sermon Peter preached on Psalm 27. You can listen in the sermon section of the site. One Thing One thing, One thing, One thing! It’s hard to imagine One thing When I seem to be attracted to so many things. It is a continuing struggle. It is a daily battle. It is my constant war. The world of the physical attracts me excites me magnetizes me addicts…
Lucy’s Exodus Team to Slovakia
On the 8th July 2018, I set off on my trip to Slovakia with 9 others from Carrickfergus. Our bus left Belfast bus station at midnight, with our flight leaving Dublin airport at 6am. It was a long day of travelling as when we arrived in Slovakia we had a further 2-hour bus journey before we got to our accommodation for the next week. We stayed in a small church in one of the villages and our host Timea couldn’t…
Week of Prayer 2018
And they devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers. Acts 2:42. Just last Sunday we thought about four marks of a spirit-filled church (from Acts 2:42), which we want to continue to strive towards. Through Christ’s sacrifice, we have been brought into fellowship with God and with each other. With this in mind, it seems one of the most natural things we can do as a local fellowship is to…
Baby Massage
Hi, my name is Sandra and I was a nurse for 30 years but had to retire early in 2012 as my health had been steadily deteriorating with both rheumatoid and osteoarthritis over several years. I had been struggling to keep going but even so, it was a bit of a shock to stop work quite suddenly. I had always really enjoyed running various parenting groups and over the years had often mused about how baby massage in particular could…
A note from Stephen Silverson
My name is Stephen Silverson. I grew up in Carrick Baptist Church, attending the church with my parents. I have many fond memories of the church. It was through the Sunday School, at a young age that I heard about Jesus and believed in what He did for me on the cross and accepted Him as my Saviour. At 19, I left Northern Ireland and moved over to live in London. I served at Chelsea Community Baptist Church for 7…
Meet Benji
Benji is one of our youngest members and you’ll see him busy at work on many a Sunday. He is involved in the praise team, CB:youth, and is starting Bible college in September. Have a watch and, as always, if you see him say hello.
Shorts, sandals, and sunscreen
Shorts. Sandals. Sunscreen. Over the past couple of weeks, our little town has been scorched with the sun. We have enjoyed evening walks, ice cream, and maybe more importantly drying clothes outside! However, this all points to one thing. Summer is fast approaching. We cannot guarantee the sunshine will last but no doubt we are looking forward to our holidays whether that means two weeks in Florida, camping in Spain, or just getting those valuable days off work. Do you…
Meet Niall & Debbie
We continue our Meet the Member video series today with Niall and Debbie Johnston. Enjoy watching their video and then be sure to say hello next time you see them at church.
Meet Adam and Laura
Adam & Laura have been coming to the church for many years now and are actively engaged in church life. Have a listen and then say hello next time you see them. I’m sure they’d love to chat with you.