Sermons on Acts (Page 2)
Acts 8:1-25
Peter continues our Acts series this morning, preaching from Acts 8: 1-25.
Acts 6:8-7:60
Peter continued our series in Acts this morning, preaching from Acts 6:8-7:60
Acts 6:1-7
Peter continues our series in Acts this morning, preaching from Acts 6:1-7
The Name of Jesus
This morning, Andy Macdonald continues our Acts series, preaching from Acts 4:1-31.
A Sign and A Sermon
Paul continued our series in Acts this morning, preaching from Acts 3.
The Fellowship of Believers
Paul continues our Acts series this morning, preaching from Acts 2:42-47.
Peter’s Perfect Gospel Message
Andy Macdonald continues our series in Acts this morning, preaching from Acts 2:14-41.
God’s Power for Today
On Sunday morning, Paul continued our Acts series, preaching from Acts 2:1-13.
Acts 1
Stephen Johnston began our new series in Acts this morning, preaching from Acts 1:1-26.
The Continuing Acts of the Risen Jesus
Paul preaches from Acts 1:1-11 this Easter Sunday evening.