#17 Mark’s Gospel – Accept or Reject
Continuing our series in Mark’s Gospel – Mark 6: 1-13 – Accept or Reject.
#26 Genesis-Does The End Justify The Means?
Continuing our series in Genesis, Peter speaks from Genesis 27.
#16 Mark’s Gospel
Continuing our series in Mark’s Gospel, Mark 5:21-43.
#25 Genesis
Continuing our series in Genesis, Peter speaks from Genesis 26.
#15 – Hopeless Case
Continuing our series in the Gospel of Mark, Mark 5:1-20.
#24 – The Unexpected Nature of God’s Grace
Continuing our series in Genesis with the birth of Jacob & Esau – Genesis 25:19-34.
#14 Jesus Calms a Storm
Continuing our series in Mark, Jesus Calms a Storm, Mark 4: 35-41
#23 Genesis – Issac & Rebekah
Picking up our series in Genesis, looking at Genesis 24 – Issac & Rebekah.
Consider Your Ways
David Ellison speaks from Haggai 1:1-11 – Consider Your Ways.
Christ In You, The Hope of Glory
Visiting speaker, Brian Davison speaks from Colossians 1:27, Christ in You, the Hope of Glory.