CB:Player Sermons (Page 55)

CB:Player Sermons (Page 55)

The Church

Peter Lawther continues our series in ‘Foundations’, preaching this morning on The Church from Acts 2:37-47. “The local church as a company of baptised believers gathered under the headship of Christ for worship, fellowship, instruction and evangelism; the ordinances of baptism and the Lord’s Supper; baptism being the immersion of believers on profession of their faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and a symbol of their identification with Him in His death, burial and resurrection.; The Lord’s Supper being a remembrance of…


Peter Lawther continues our series in ‘Foundations’, preaching this morning on Justification from Romans 3. “The justification of the sinner by God’s grace through faith alone in the Lord Jesus Christ; the eternal security of the believer.

Created man and the fall

Peter Lawther continues our series in ‘Foundations’, preaching this morning on created man. “The creation of man in the image of God: the entrance of sin through Adam’s disobedience; the fallen and totally depraved state of all men; their subjection to God’s wrath and condemnation; their responsibility to repent and believe the Gospel.”

The Devil

Peter Lawther continues our series in ‘Foundations’, preaching this morning on the Devil. “The personality of the devil: his evil activity and final doom.”

The Holy Spirit

Peter Lawther continues our series in ‘Foundations‘, preaching this morning on the Holy Spirit. “The work of the Holy Spirit in regenerating the sinner and indwelling, sanctifying and empowering the believer.”