Lessons & Carols-Lesson 1
Peter begins our Christmas Lessons & Carols series this morning, preaching from Genesis 3:8-19.
Paul preaches from Titus 2:1-8 at our youth service.
Good Works
Peter preaches from Ephesians 2:8-10 as the team from our church leave for Burkina Faso.
He is Risen
Peter continues our series in the Gospel of Mark, preaching this evening from Mark 15:42-16:8.
Jesus the King
Peter continues our series in the Gospel of Mark, preaching this morning from Mark 15:1-41.
The Reformation
Paul speaks this evening about Martin Luther and the Reformation.
Jesus Knows
Peter continues our series in Mark this morning, preaching from Mark 14.
The Gospel
Mervyn Scott speaks tonight at our Missions Focus from 2 Corinthians 5:16-21.
Signs of the End of the Age
Peter continues our series in Mark this morning, preaching from Mark 13.
Psalm 103
John Brown speaks from Psalm 103 this evening at our Praise Service.