CB:Player Sermons (Page 18)

CB:Player Sermons (Page 18)

Joshua 22:1-9

Today was our first fully online service. Peter continued the series in Joshua with a timely lesson in the uncertain times. Join us at 11 am BST on YouTube of Facebook to worship together while we are physically apart.

2 Corinthians 4

Speaking at our special Youth Service Benji brings words of encouragement and challenge from Second Corinthians 4

Joshua 14

Speaking from 9 chapters Pastor Lawther continues the series from the book of Joshua “Entering the promised land”
John 7 Signs

John 11

Our own Brother Andy MacDonald brings to an amazing conclusion the series “7 signs revealing the person of Jesus”.

Joshua 10

Pastor Lawther continues the series “Entering the promised land” from Joshua Chapters 10 – 12
John 7 Signs

John 9

Our own Church member Hugh Mills continues the series “7 signs revealing the person of Jesus”
John 7 Signs

John 6

Jesus walks on water, Stephen Johnston continues the series,”seven signs revealing the person of Jesus”.

Joshua 9

Pastor Lawther continues the series from the book of Joshua “Entering the Promised Land”
John 7 Signs

John 6

Pastor Lawther preaches on the feeding of the five thousand, another sign revealing the person of Jesus.

Joshua 7

“Entering the promised land” Pastor Lawther continues the series from the book of Joshua.