Recommended Resources March Missions 2022 #5

Recommended Resources March Missions 2022 #5

Book: Through Gates of Splendour: The Five Missionary Martyrs of Ecuador
Author Elizabeth Elliott

The inspiring story of five missionaries who were martyred in the jungles of Ecuador as they attempted to reach the local people with the gospel.

Available as paperback or ebook/audible.


Insight Magazine: Connecting Baptists across Ireland. Produced by the Association of Baptist Churches in Ireland.

Six editions a year with a featured section on missions. Contact the church administrator for more information on how to receive copies.


Child Evangelism Fellowship Ireland prayer updates. Subscribe with Prayermate App for daily prayer requests.

Prayer « Child Evangelism Fellowship of Ireland (


European Christian Mission – ECM’s mission is to EQUIP, CONNECT and MULTIPLY followers of Jesus through discipleships and church planting across Europe.
They have a prayer a day that can read or downloaded from their website or subscribe via Prayermate App. Pray – ECM International