I have always loved Christmastime. As a child I remember the anticipation of waiting ALL night with my younger brother to go downstairs to open my presents, not getting much sleep at all!
Then as David and I became parents, having 3 young children and the excitement overload that brought. Christmastime was busy. The Christmas edition of The Argos book came into the house and the children would sit for hours trying to choose what they would like, then of course advertisements on the telly would help them to change their minds again!!
December was jam-packed with lots of activities for them and us. The school nativity, Church parties, family gatherings to give and receive presents. It was hard to keep on going at that stage, but it was magical!
Thinking back, maybe the best present for us would have been a lie in but I just loved Christmas then!
Now I enjoy having the time to decorate the tree, Christmas Carols playing, the sweet smell of cinnamon and making mince pies, a wee Christmas movie or two and doing the family Christmas dinner!
It is lovely to enjoy these things.
I have started for the month of December ‘Come Let Us Adore Him‘ by Paul Trip, and am reminded of the real meaning of Christmas. It was to remember the Saviour of the world being born.
God knew we needed to be rescued from the biggest and messiest thing we have in our lives; SIN!
“For God did not send his son into the world to condemn the world, but to SAVE the world through him.”
John 3 v 16
God wants to rescue us.
God wants to bring hope into our lives, a hope of forgiveness and an eternal home with him one day.
God wants his son, Jesus, to give us an abundant life, trusting in him for everything each and every day.
God wants to have a relationship with us.
God brought Jesus into the world because he loves us so much!
Do you know him?
So what do I really love about Christmastime?
The most precious gift ever given, Jesus, and the forgiveness I have through him.