Morning Service
Join us this morning for public worship and teaching from God’s Word. Those who know and love the Lord and are walking in fellowship with Him are invited to observe the Lord’s Table with us.
Baptist Women: East Antrim Rally
Women from our sister churches in the East Antrim Area will be joining us tonight as we praise God and learn together as Valerie Murphy teaches us from God’s Word.
Member’s Meeting
Church Members are invited to attend a consultation and discussion evening regarding the new Church Constitution in relation to the Charity Commission.
Missions Prayer Meeting: Persecuted Church
Join us this evening as we meet to hear more about and pray for the Persecuted Church.
Baby Massage
Parents/carers learn baby massage from qualified instructor, Sandra Silverson, during this six week course. Places on this course are limited and pre-allocated, so if you would like to attend with your baby, please contact the church office.
The Apostle’s Creed
A course for newer believers or anyone wanting to study the basics of the Christian faith. For more information, please see Stephen Johnston or David McClurg.
Men’s Precept
Men’s Inductive Bible Study, led by Campbell, studying 1 Timothy.
Evening Service
Join us this evening for public worship and teaching from God’s Word.
CB:youth Breakfast
All secondary aged young people are welcome to join us for breakfast before church.