CB:kids Sunday
CB:kids sunday meet this morning from 11.15am-12.15pm in the church hall. This is for children of nursery school age until Year 7. If you have a child you would like to attend please bring them along some Sunday morning and talk to Lesley and she’ll be glad to find a class for them.
Morning Service
Join us this morning for public worship and teaching from God’s Word.
Knit & Natter
Ladies meet informally to knit and chat over a cup of tea or coffee… and usually some something sweet to eat!
Prayer & Study Groups and Prayer Meeting
Prayer & Study Groups meet tonight in various homes. Study Questions for the evening can be downloaded here: Paul’s Prayers Study 4 21 03 18. If you are not currently part of a group and would like to join one, please speak to Peter or Paul. The Prayer Meeting will meet as usual in the church building at 8pm.
CB:kids Monday
Primary School age children are welcome to join us on a Monday evening at 6.45pm for games, craft, singing, Bible lessons, quizzies and memory verses.
Tonight, CB:youth will meet together for Bible Study with guest speaker David McClurg.
Evening Service
Join us this evening for public worship and teaching from God’s Word.
Morning Service – Mission Carrick: Pulpit Exchange
This morning we welcome Rev. David Clements to preach in our church while Peter preaches in the Methodist.
Rugby – Ireland v England
This is a chance to get to know others and enjoy watching a bit of rugby together. We will be showing Ireland’s final 6 Nations game vrs England on the big screens in church.