Merge is a worship event for young people (Year 11 and over). It is open to anyone who would like to come along to Worship our God and also get to meet other young people from the town. Merge on Facebook
CB:friends – Spring Concert
This month we are very excited for our Spring Concert. If you fall into the category of being a ‘senior’ then please come along and join us.
Knit & Natter
Ladies meet informally to knit and chat over a cup of tea or coffee… and usually some something sweet to eat!
Prayer Meeting
Join us this evening as we meet to pray as a church family.
The Apostle’s Creed
A course for newer believers or anyone wanting to study the basics of the Christian faith. For more information, please see Stephen Johnston or David McClurg.
Evening Service
Join us this evening for public worship and teaching from God’s Word.
Morning Service
Join us this morning for public worship and teaching from God’s Word.
CB:youth meet for breakfast before church this morning at 9.45am. All young people are welcome to come along!
CB:women meet tonight and will be watching ‘Risen’, an Easter film. All ladies welcome to come – Fellowship Room, 8pm.