The ladies meet tonight to hear about the work of International Justice Mission from Ruth Cooke, IJM Regional Development Executive for Ireland. All ladies are welcome to come along to learn more and have fellowship with one another.
Prayer & Study Groups and Prayer Meeting
Prayer & Study Groups meet together tonight in various homes. Study Questions for the evening can be downloaded here: Psalm 22 Study 02 05 18 If you are not currently part of a group and would like to join, please speak to Peter or Paul. The Prayer Meeting will also meet tonight as usual in the Fellowship Room at 8pm.
Men’s Precept
The men meet tonight for their Bible Study in 1 Timothy. If you are interested in joining the group, please speak to Campbell Green.
CB:youth meet this evening for Bible Study with Danielle McAllister.
Evening Service
Join us this evening for public worship and teaching from God’s Word.
Morning Service
Join us this morning for public worship and teaching from God’s Word.
Ladies Precept
Ladies Precept meets this evening to study the book of Colossians. If you are interested in joining the study, please speak to May Green.
Knit & Natter
Ladies meet informally to knit and chat over a cup of tea or coffee… and usually some something sweet to eat!
Missions Prayer Meeting
Tonight at our Missions Prayer Meeting we will hear from Charlie Anderson about the work of ECM (European Christian Mission). The offering will also go towards this work. Everyone is encouraged to come along to hear more and pray for the work of ECM.
The Apostle’s Creed
A course for newer believers or anyone wanting to study the basics of the Christian faith. For more information, please see Stephen Johnston or David McClurg.