Evening Service: Why Jesus?
Why bother with Jesus? Is He still relevant in the 21st Century? Is Jesus to be ignored and rejected or trusted and followed? Have you ever asked yourself these questions? Come along on Sunday evenings 20th May, 3rd June, 10th June, 17th June and 1st July as we think about Why Jesus?
Morning Service
Join us this morning for public worship and teaching from God’s Word.
Prayer & Study Groups and Prayer Meeting
Prayer & Study Groups meet together tonight in various homes. You can download study questions for the evening here: Psalm 23 Study 16 05 18 If you are not currently part of a group and would like to join, please speak to Peter or Paul. The Prayer Meeting will also meet tonight as usual in the Fellowship Room at 8pm.
College Graduation
Finishing off our Assembly Week, tonight is the Irish Baptist College Graduation. The speaker this evening will be John Benton.
Baptist Missions Night
As part of our Assembly Meetings in the Assocation of Baptist Churches, tonight is Baptist Missions Night. 2018 marks the 130th anniversary since the Irish Baptist Home Mission was formed in 1888. This year our focus at Missions Night will be on the work in Ireland.
Baptist Women’s Night
Tonight is the annual Baptist Women’s Night, part of our Assembly Meetings as an Association of Churches. The meeting is in Lisburn Baptist Church and the speaker will be Ann Benton.
Crochet Class
Come along for some crocheting, chatting, and coffee.
Joint Service
As this is Association of Baptist Churches in Ireland Assembly Sunday, we will be joining with the two Baptist Churches closest to us, Greenisland and Whitehead, to worship together, hear from God’s Word and observe the Lord’s Table together. (The service will be held in our building.) There will also be some refreshments afterwards!