CB:youth finish off the year tonight with a barbecue!
Evening Service
Join us this evening for public worship and teaching from God’s Word.
CB:kids Sunday
CB:kids sunday meet this morning from 11.15am-12.15pm in the church hall. This is for children of nursery school age until Year 7. If you have a child you would like to attend please bring them along some Sunday morning and talk to Lesley and she’ll be glad to find a class for them.
Morning Service
Join us this morning for public worship and teaching from God’s Word.
Big Summer Sale
Entry for Adults – £1 (includes tea & scone) Toys, games, books, household and garden items for sale. All proceeds will go towards the local CAP Centre.
Rooted in Christ
Rooted in Christ is a course by Baptist Women for women who want to deepen their relationship with God and study His Word. It is an interactive, small group course which encourages women to grow in their Christian faith. The course will run for 10 weeks. If you are interested in joining the course, please speak to May Green.
Knit & Natter
Ladies meet informally to knit and chat over a cup of tea or coffee… and usually some something sweet to eat!
Prayer Meeting
Join with us this evening as we meet for prayer at 8pm.
The Apostle’s Creed
A course for newer believers or anyone wanting to study the basics of the Christian faith. For more information, please see Stephen Johnston or David McClurg.
CB:youth meet for Bible Study tonight with PT Aston.