Prayer & Study Groups and Prayer Meeting
Prayer & Study Groups meet together tonight in various homes. Study Questions for the evening can be downloaded here: Psalm 24 Study 06 06 18 If you are not currently part of a group and would like to join, please speak to Peter or Paul. The Prayer Meeting will also meet tonight as usual in the Fellowship Room at 8pm.
The Apostle’s Creed
A course for newer believers or anyone wanting to study the basics of the Christian faith. For more information, please see Stephen Johnston or David McClurg.
Evening Service: Why Jesus?
Why bother with Jesus? Is He still relevant in the 21st Century? Is Jesus to be ignored and rejected or trusted and followed? Have you ever asked yourself these questions? Come along on Sunday evenings 20th May, 3rd June, 10th June, 17th June and 1st July as we think about Why Jesus?
CB:kids Sunday Family Service
This morning will be a Family Service with CB:kids Sunday taking part in the service and Andy Macdonald will be speaking.
Communion Service
Join us this morning at 10.15am as we meet for Communion in the Fellowship Room.
Ladies Precept
The ladies meet tonight for the Bible Study in the book of Colossians. If you are interested in joining this group, please speak to May Green.
Baby Massage
Parents/carers learn baby massage from qualified instructor, Sandra Silverson, during this six week course. Places on this course are limited and pre-allocated, so if you would like to attend with your baby, please contact the church office.
Missions Prayer Meeting: Wycliffe
At our Missions Prayer Meeting tonight we will be hearing from Ricky Ferguson about the work of Wycliffe Bible Translators.
Missions Prayer Meeting – Baptist Youth
Join us this evening as we hear about the work of Baptist Youth from Matthew Campbell, Youth Director.
Men’s Precept
The men meet this evening for their Bible Study in 1 Timothy. If you are interested in joining with them, please speak to Campbell Green.