Prayer Meeting
You are invited to join us as we meet together this evening for prayer.
Evening Service
Join us this evening for public worship and Bible teaching from Jim Magill.
Morning Service
Join us this morning as we meet for public worship and Bible teaching from John Brown.
No Prayer Meeting
Please note that there will be no Prayer Meeting this evening.
Evening Service
Join us this evening as we meet for public worship and Bible teaching from Stephen Silverson and we will be observing the Lord’s Table.
Epic Explorers Family Service
Join us as we round off our Epic Explorers week with a meeting for all the family. Even if you didn’t make during the week, come along and enjoy a fun-filled hour or songs, teaching, memory verses and quiz.
Epic Explorers Bible Club
Come along and start the summer at our Epic Explorers Holiday Bible Club. If you are heading to Primary School in September be it P1, P7 or anything in-between Epic Explorers is for you! It only lasts an hour but we fit a lot in. You can expect fun songs, memory verses, excellent Bible lessons, fantastic quizzes and more. Parents/Carers: you need to register your child when they first attend. If they go to school in Carrickfergus leaflets with application forms…
Prayer Meeting
This week, our Prayer Meeting will take place every night during the Holiday Bible Club, 7-8pm, the Fellowship Room. Please join us as we pray for the Club while it takes place and for other issues in the life of the church.
Baby Massage
Parents/carers learn baby massage from qualified instructor, Sandra Silverson, during this six week course. Places on this course are limited and pre-allocated, so if you would like to attend with your baby, please contact the church office.