Knit & Natter
Ladies meet informally to knit and chat over a cup of tea or coffee… and usually some something sweet to eat!
Prayer Meeting
Join us this evening as we meet to pray.
Parents & Toddlers
Parents, grandparents and carers and invited to come along with pre-school aged children and babies to our Parent & Toddler Group on a Tuesday morning, from 10.15am. There will be the opportunity to play, paint, sing, chat with other adults and enjoy some tea/coffee, toast and juice!
CB:kids Monday
CB:kids Monday meets on Monday nights at 6.45pm in the church hall. Primary School children are very welcome to come along and enjoy games, craft, tuck shop, Bible Lesson, quiz, choruses and memory verses.
CB:Youth Study Night
Week 3 of our Christianity Explored Youth series.
Evening Service
Join us this evening for public worship and Bible teaching.
Morning Service
Join us this morning for public worship and Bible teaching.
Church Member’s Meeting
Tonight the church members will meet to discuss the life and work of the church.