Here you can see all the upcoming services and events. You can see any past events on the Past Events page.
Wayfinders (CB:Youth)
Wayfinders is a place for young people aged 11-18 to connect, have fun, and grow deeper in their faith. 1st Sunday of the Month: Way Too Early – Start the day with a breakfast Bible study from 9:00-11:00 AM, where we dig into Scripture together. 2nd & 3rd Sundays: Join us at church at 7:45 PM for an evening of fellowship and discussion. 4th Weekend: Activity Night – A chance to enjoy fun activities while strengthening friendships. 5th Sunday (if…
Prayer and Fellowship Groups
Prayer and Fellowship Groups meet on the 3rd Wednesday of each month to study God’s word, pray together and continue to fellowship over coffee at the end of each night. If you would like to join a group speak to an elder. One of the groups meets in the church and you can drop in to this any week you’re free.