Posts from October 2018

Posts from October 2018


Recently I have been challenged to consider my walk with God and forgiving others. “It’s impossible for anyone to walk in the will of God while hanging on to anger, resentment, and unforgiveness.” (Think Like God, Robert Jones).  If what Jones has stated is indeed true, then as a Christian I should desire to surrender these sins to God.  But how can I do this?  Looking at the significance of God’s forgiveness challenges me to apply Biblical principles of forgiveness in…

One Thing

A couple of weeks ago Sarah read this poem as part of a Sermon Peter preached on Psalm 27. You can listen in the sermon section of the site. One Thing One thing, One thing, One thing! It’s hard to imagine One thing When I seem to be attracted to so many things. It is a continuing struggle. It is a daily battle. It is my constant war. The world of the physical attracts me excites me magnetizes me addicts…